Welcome, my name is Darren Brager I have the best job, I get to work in a sand box with a giant shovel. I love learning and strive to provide the highest quality of work that I can provide.

I would love to help you with developing your project; whether its designing your septic system, digging a basement, or designing something unique to you.

Taking the time to do the job right the first time is important to me, and I highly value my reputation. I try to stay up to date with all the latest products, by attending the Alberta onsite wastewater management association conference. I am AOWMA certified.

I’ve been in this field of work for more than 20 years, my dad (Les Brager) was doing it before me, and my grandpa (Cliff Brager) before him. I have such fond memories of working alongside them and going out for coffee. They modeled a work ethic and values that I will always cherish.

Darren, Les, and Braylen (my son)
Cliff, Les, and David (brother)